Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Nanna's Curry

When I was little and went to visit my nanna, she'd often make a curry. Now, I grew up in a family who had lots of Asian friends, and my parents like HOT food. So - it was nothing like any curry that my mum or dad made as N, butanna's curry was a sweet one.

Today I was sitting at home trying to decide what to do with all the vegies that I bought to make a soup but decided the weather was too hot for that. So I thought - yep, Nanna's curry sounds good, as it's full of vegies and stuff.

I called my Nanna - who told me she was making it for HER dinner tonight too. My Pop said I could have his plateful (I don't think he's a big fan of it lol). So here's the recipe.

Dice up:
1kg blade steak

1 carrot
1 parsnip
3 small celery sticks
2 med onions
½ large capsicum (red or green pepper)
1 apple - eg granny smith

Fry it all up in a bit of oil.

Then add:

Curry powder to taste
2 dessertspoon coconut
1 dessertspoon brown sugar
1 tbsp sultanas/raisins

Fry for a little longer and then add:

1 small tin pineapple (crushed or chopped)
2tbsp soy sauce
1dessertspoon vinegar

1tbsp pickles eg green tomatoes

1tbsp fruit chutney

Simmer for 2 hours or so.

Can add a tiny bit of coconut milk too if needed.

Serve with rice.

I will post a photo when I've made it.


1 comment:

  1. Hi there Bethanie, thank you for this gem of a recipe. I shall give it ago.
